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Love, How to start?
Dear my friends, do you know how you start falling in love?
Somebody says that you may start to love only after you have known somebody.
in fact, it is just on the contrary. Most true love just come from
someone you don't know but you are attracted when you first meet with
each other. Do you remember how many songs express this? Do you remember
how many movies describe this ? This is falling in love in first meet
In fact, love comes from sexual attraction between you and your loved one. This is the foundation of love.
But where the sexual attraction come from? Why only some special ones will attract you?
From my observation, the sexual attraction may come from two origins.
is the prototype of love (爱的原型), The prototype of love is someone who
impressed you when you are a child and leave a deep image in your mind,
this someone maybe your parent, your relatives, or a movie star.
However, you don't know at that time. But when you grow up, when
someone matched your prototype of love appears in your life in a good
opportunity, Your love is activated and starts
to burst out. the prototype of love will be with you for your whole
life, from young to old, but you may not know. This is the origin of
what we said the chemical reaction of love.
other one is the familiarity of love (日久生情之爱), The familiarity of love
is someone who grow up with you and live with you for a long time,
especially from child to youth in your life, the long term togetherness
ignite the love between you both. But there is still a condition for you
to ignite the love.That is the sexual attraction and touch. Otherwise
you will always keep your feeling in sister and brother status.This is
what we often talked that the love is from child to youth (青梅竹马之爱).
cause,there may be third origin or third origin. No matter what kind
origins, sexual original attraction of each other will always be the
first factor to you both to a couple with true love.
Best wish for you all!
<<Theory of Love - 爱的物语>>
Beizhan Liu
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