
8. <<统一的贸易经济学>> 中文国际版

                                ISBN: 978-0994006639; 978-1-79479-623-2;
                                Pages: 647

                                E-Book: Lulu Book Store
                                E-Book: Google Play
                                Print Book: Amazon Bookstore
                                Published Date: December, 2019

          [描述请见 6.]

7. <<统一的经济学>> 中文国际版 

                                ISBN: 978-0994006622; 978-1-794-74571-1
                                Pages: 806

                                E-Book: Lulu Book Store
                                E-Book: Google Play
                                Print Book: Amazon Bookstore
                                Published Date: December, 2019
                                [描述请见 5.]

6. <<Unified Trade Economics>>

This book includes the theory system of Unified Trade Economics created by the author as a pioneer. This theory system currently contains a total of about 27 theories. 

Some innovative concepts included inside include: trade system, trade main body, trade objective body, local trade product/service/profit, local international trade product/service/profit, local international trade returned product/service/profit, import / export / categorized /  bilateral/double differentiation/total/cross-border trade indicators, trade balance strength, trade balance strength fall, trade competition coefficient, trade harmony coefficient, trade exchange coefficient, trade correlation coefficient, trade competitiveness index, trade cost, trade revenue, trade efficiency, trade profit, trade profit ratio, trade recall ratio, trade return ratio, trade headback ratio, total circulation trade bubble volume (total value), circulation trade bubble degree, social economic bubble degree (trade), social economic bubble volume (trade), trade participation degree, trade market demand volume, trade market demand degree, production capacity gap, outside regional supply capacity, trade capacity, trade capacity gap, trade capacity realization ratio, excessive trade capacity ratio, excessive export trade capacity ratio, import trade capacity gap ratio, evaluation indicator pair, evaluation indicator set, trade advantage set/sequence, trending exchange rate fluctuation, exchange rate trade cost/revenue/profit, exchange rate trade cost ratio/revenue ratio/profit ratio, economic potential energy level (trade), economic potential energy capacity (trade), environmental economic cost (trade), economic green potential energy (trade), tariff revenue, tariff cost, regional economic trade double accounting system, trade management team size social ratio, trade management team size employment ratio, trade achievement management consumption ratio, trade cost management consumption ratio, trade management team per capita cost, management team per capita trade revenue, management team per capita tariff revenue, growth rate of trade indicators, variation rate of trade indicators, trade property indicator sequence (trade structure), trade concentration degree, trade safety property indicator, regional economic trade ratio indicators, trade economic ratio (outside regional dependence degree), etc..
This book is a better reading to open up thoughts for those who are interested in trade economic research, trade economic management, trade finance management, regional economy, and so on. It also has more significance for those who want to engage in or who are engaged in the work of trade economic research, government or economic management.

<<Unified Trade Economics>> is available through Amazon, Google play, lulu and many other bookstores.

 [描述:这本论著包括作者独创性地创建的统一的贸易经济学理论体系。 该理论体系目前共包含约27种理论。


<<Unified Trade Economics>>可以通过 Lulu书店,Google play 书店,Amazon书店以及其它许多书店购买。]

ISBN: 978-0-359-25186-5, 978-1792053610 ( First Edition); 
978-0-359-94658-7, 978-0-9940066-1-5 (Second Edition)
Pages: 649
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore
Published Date: December, 2018 (First Edition); September, 2019 (Second Edition)

5. <<Unified Economics>> 


This book consists of three sections: the first section is the theory system of Unified Economics with 28 theories that he proposed as a pioneer. Unified economics unified microeconomics, medium-sized economics and macroeconomics together. The second section includes his elaboration on the election finance system. The third section includes his elaborations on other economic issues, such as: currency finance economy, real estate economy, and so on.

Some innovative concepts included inside include: economic bubble volume and economic bubble degree, economic wheel, economic potential energy, sentinel value, internationalization index of economic wheel, economic tightness degree, market demand degree and market demand volume, economic development degree, market transformation rate, market inventory rate/market inventory volume/monetized inventory volume, management team size social ratio, management team size employment ratio, achievement management consumption ratio, cost management consumption ratio, the per capita management cost of the management team, management team per capita profit value of public management, economic green potential energy, environmental economic cost, economic equality degree, economic equality fall, economic monopoly degree, economic monopoly volume, the advantages of regional economy, regional economic competitiveness, benefit acquiring capability, adequacy degree, adequacy volume, advantage set and advantage sequence, the livelihood of people, interest acquisition property of people's livelihood, interest contribution property of people's livelihood, interest acquisition property of finance, interest contribution property of finance, economic efficiency, marketized economic efficiency, environmental production cost ratio, integrated cost, marketized production value, green production value, marketized production value ratio, green production value ratio, marketized GDP, regional economic participation degree, three forms of currency (productive currency, consumption currency and silent currency), regional currency total, regional pure currency total and regional circulation currency total, productive currency ratio, consumption currency ratio and silent currency ratio, the expired productive currency, the lost productive currency (lost currency), double-side currency expiration ratio, double-side currency lost ratio, double-side currency steering ratio, international market dependence degree, international supply dependence degree, economic concentration degree(product concentration degree, market concentration degree, industry concentration degree), overall competitiveness of regional economy(core competitiveness, auxiliary competitiveness, supportive competitiveness of regional economy), core national economic accounting system, Beizhan double accounting system of regional economy, declaration form of personal environmental protection, declaration form of community environmental protection, declaration form of enterprise/organization environmental protection, environmental balance sheet, green potential energy balance sheet, etc..

This book is a better reading to open up thoughts for those who are interested in economic research, economic management, finance management, currency finance economic management, real estate economic management, and so on. It also has more significance for those who want to engage in or who are engaged in the work of economic research, government, economic management, currency finance economic management and real estate economic management.

<<Unified Economics>> is available through Amazon, Google play, lulu and many other bookstores.


这本书中所包含的创新概念有:经济泡沫量及经济泡沫度, 经济轮,经济势能,股价哨兵值,经济轮的国际化指标,经济紧密度,市场需求度和市场需求量,经济发达度,市场转化率,市场库存率/市场库存量/货币化库存量,管理团队规模社会性比率,管理团队规模就业性比率,成果性管理消耗比,成本性管理消耗比,管理团队的人均管理成本,管理团队人均公共管理盈利总值,经济绿色势能,环境经济代价,经济平等度,经济平等落差,经济垄断度,经济垄断量,区域经济的优势,区域经济竞争力,获利性,充裕度,充裕量,优势性集合,优势性序列,民生性,利益获取民生特性,利益付出民生特性,利益获取财务特性,利益付出财务特性,经济效率,市场化经济效率,环境生产成本比率,综合成本,市场化生产价值,绿色生产价值,市场化生产价值比率,绿色生产价值比率,市场化GDP,区域经济参与度,三种货币形态(生产性货币,消耗性货币和沉默性货币),区域货币总量,区域纯货币总量,区域流通货币总量,失效的产性货币,失去的产性货币(亏损性货币),双面货币失效率,双面货币亏损率,双面货币转向率,国际市场依赖度,国际供应依赖度,经济集中度(产品集中度,市场集中度,行业集中度),区域经济总体竞争力(区域经济核心竞争力,辅助竞争力,支持性竞争力),核心国民经济核算体系,备战区域经济双核算体系,个人环境保护申报表,社区环境保护申报表,企业/机构环境保护申报表,环境资产负债表,绿色势能平衡表,等等。


<<Unified Economics>>可以通过 Lulu书店,Google play 书店,Amazon书店以及其它许多书店购买。]

ISBN: 978-1-387-34740-7, 978-1981700615 (First Edition); 
978-0-359-64433-9, 978-0994006608 (Second Edition)
Pages: 728
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore, Createspace Bookstore
Published Date: December, 2017 (First Edition);  May, 2019 (Second Edition)

4. <<Global Governance>> 

Description: The mainly related topics of this book are: political election, the pre-requirements for the candidates of election, political party management, discipline management, policy portfolio, global governance, global governance structure, the development of the country form of the United Nations, the relationships between the United Nations and other international entities, management main body, law judgment, legislation, basic human rights and the constitution law, Bentham theory, news media, standardized business valuation framework, city planning, and so on. In this serial book, the innovative concepts I proposed include: the development of the country form of the United Nations, Beizhan global governance thought, Beizhan global governance structure, the United Nations migration management agency, military migration administration department, the global migration wish expression system, the UN migration management tax system, WTO merged with the United Nations, the Amended Bretton Woods SystemWTO-based UN global tariff management system, unified constituency administration center, international country management policy portfolio system, revised Bentham theory, country management main body and self-management main body, and so on. Such concepts are very meaningful for managing our world more efficiently and changing our world more scientifically.


ISBN: 978-1-365-41373-5, 978-1539156154
Pages: 242
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore, Createspace Bookstore
Published Date: September, 2016

3. <<Policy Framework>> 

Description: The mainly related topics of this serial book are: Policy Framework, Policy Making, Gun Control, Europe Refugee Crisis, Human Migration Management, International Management and the Development of the United Nations, Partition of Electoral District and Constituency Policy, Promotion and Tenure System, Election Politics and Head-Hunting Politics, Cultivation of Political Talents, Education Model, Ruling by People and Ruling by Law, Law Drafting and Legislation, Project Management and Value Management, Business Valuation Model, Development of Military Industry in Peaceful Time, Northern Star Economic Union, Macroeconomic Evaluation System and Ecological Environmental Cost Theory. In this serial book, the innovative concepts and theories include: Beizhan Election District Policy Framework, Beizhan General Election System, Beizhan Political Talent Cultivation Mode (Three-Three System), Beizhan Political Talent Cultivation System, Global Migration Wish Expression System based on the United Nations, Beizhan Business Valuation Model with Uniqueness, Beizhan Macroeconomic Evaluation System, GROSS DOMESTIC COST (GDC) and GROSS DOMESTIC ENVIRONMENTAL COST (GDEC), National Environmental Index, Ecological Environmental Cost Theory, Beizhan School of Thought of advocating the establishment of unified economic theory and economic management theory, Return on Public Interest Unit (ROPI unit), Return on Investment Unit (ROI unit), Return On Public Interest (ROPI), ROI / ROPI Focused Organization / Operation, Unit /Piece Value.
[描述:这本续集主要涉及到的议题有:政策框架,政策制定,枪支管理,欧洲难民危机,人类迁徙管理,国际管理及联合国的发展,选区划分和选区政策,选拔及任期制度,选举政治与猎头政治,政治人才的培养,教育模式,人治与法治,拟法和立法,项目管理和价值管理,商业评估模式,和平时期军事工业的发展,北方之星经济联盟宏观经济的评价体系和生态环境成本论。在此续集中,具有创新性的理论和概念包括:备战选区政策框架,备战普选体制,备战政治人才培养模式(三三制),备战政治人才培养系统,基于联合国的全球迁徙意愿表达系统,具有唯一性的备战商业评估模式,备战宏观经济评价体系,国民经济生产总成本(GDC),国民经济生产环境总成本( GDEC ),国家环境指数,生态环境成本论,以及主张统一的经济理论和经济管理理论的备战经济学派公共利益回报(ROPI)投资回报单元(ROI Unit公共利益回报单元(ROPI Unit)专注于投资回报/公共利益回报的组织/运营(ROI/ROPI Focused Organization/Operation),单元价值(Unit /Piece Value)。 ]

ISBN: 978-1-365-41371-1, 978-1539156062
Pages: 256
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore, Createspace Bookstore
Published Date: September, 2016

2. <<Heaven Ideal>>

Description:  The mainly related topics of this book are: city management, city traffic management, city environment management, city planning, religious policy, welfare and debt, foreign policy, foreign aid policy, immigration and investment immigration, government operations, country leader, leader country, community management, taxpayer management, budget crisis management, labour management, national integration, multiculturalism, international education, legislation, policing service, retirement and pension, military in peace time, election, people’s representative, macroeconomy, national economy, economic wheel, and so on.

Some concepts I proposed in this book have the sense of innovation, such as: leader country, common world, city spatial structure, asymmetric foreign policy, balanced developed world, socialized enterprise, enhanced free market economy period (economic wheel period), independent political personality, social happiness index, environment index, and so on. It is very meaningful for us to have a more realistic understanding of our world and to transform our world.



ISBN: 978-1-312-83963-2, 978-1507680025
Pages: 254
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore, Createspace Bookstore
Published Date: January, 2015
1. <<Bird View>>

Description: The mainly related topics of this book are: World security, Asia security, diplomatic relations, diplomatic aid strategy, international relations, international interventionism, globalization, international dispute resolution strategy, Israeli-Palestinian relations, the former Yugoslavia, India and  China relation, energy and energy policy, the North American energy security strategy, the innovation capability and competitiveness of United States and Canada, immigration management and policy making, political party management, modern legislative system, legal documents writing principle, President Lyndon Johnson, the future of Internet and management, innovation, decision making theory, workflow management, leadership, China's legal system history, the history of Chinese people, the spirit of America, religion, business, history, culture, education, family relationships, love relationships, the phenomenon of single families in North America, and so on.

[描述:本书主要相关的论题有:世界安全,亚洲安全,外交关系,外援策略,国际关系,国际干涉主义,全球化,国际争议解决策略,以色列-巴勒斯坦关系,前南斯拉夫,印度和中国的关系,能源和能源政策,北美能源安全策略,美国和加拿大的创造力和竞争力,移民管理及政策制定,政党管理,现代立法体系,法律文件写作原则,林顿-约翰逊总统,互联网的未来及管理,创新,决策理论,工作流管理,领导力,中国的法律体系历史,中国人的历史,美国精神,宗教,商业,历史,文化,教育,家庭关系,爱情关系,北美单身家庭现象 等等。]

ISBN: 978-1-312-72735-9, 978-1505482515
Pages: 186
E-Book: Lulu Bookstore
E-Book: Google Play
Print Book: Amazon Bookstore    CreateSpace Bookstore
Published Date: December, 2014

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