Sunday, April 23, 2017

Country Management - Global Security Governance - Global Military Security Governance 国家管理 – 全球安全治理 – 全球军事安全治理

Country Management - Global Security Governance - Global Military Security Governance

国家管理   全球安全治理 全球军事安全治理

1.      Introduction

At present, not only terrorist incidents occur frequently around the world, regional military conflicts continue in some areas. Potential regional military conflicts are also happening now and then. This can not be worried by every one of us who cares about the world peace. Therefore, we also need to reflect on the mechanism of global military security governance, we need to develop and improve our existing global military security governance mechanism, so as to comprehensively improve the global security management mechanism, improve the management level, prevent regional conflicts, maintain the world peace, and protect the peaceful buildup of every country in the world. Here I would like to present my elaboration on this issue and hope that my thinking will provide a useful solution to the issue of global military security governance.

2.      Global Military Security Governance

2.1.      Definition

Global military security governance mainly refers to the establishment of a global military deterrence mechanism, military intervention mechanism, military cooperation and military exercise mechanism to prevent and eliminate regional conflicts, safeguard world peace, and so on.

2.2.      Roles

Global military security governance can provide further protection for the military security of each country at the international level; provide an effective international cooperation mechanism for deterrence and prevention of possible regional conflicts, when necessary, under the support of international law or the United Nations resolution, carry out appropriate regional military interventions to maintain regional peace. The main role of global military security governance is to establish a military exercise system and a military cooperation system on global scale; create conditions for the development of military personnel exchanges and friendships in various countries; create conditions for cultivating and creating military talents with international perspectives.

2.3.      Content

2.3.1.     Organizational structure      The United Nations Military Security Agency

As global internal security governance, global military security governance can also be managed by a special agency in the United Nations, which can be named as the United Nations Military Security Agency. The United Nations Military Security Agency is responsible for managing all matters relating to global military security, which include the deployment and management of the United Nations military security forces. The jurisdiction of the Global Military Migration Management Department, which I mentioned earlier, can also be attributed to this agency.      The United Nations Military Security Force

At present, the most well-known organization involved in global military security governance is the United Nations peace-keeping force [1]. The United Nations Peacekeeping Force was established in June 1948. Since 1948, a total of 130 countries have provided military and police force for it, more than 1 million soldiers or police officers had served under in its flag. The contribution of this organization to world peace is remarkable. But there is a problem, that is, the deployment of United Nations peacekeeping forces is generally carried out after the occurrence of regional conflicts. This mechanism is meaningless for the prevention of regional conflicts. Of cause peacekeeping operations after regional conflicts are undoubtedly high cost, high risk and high price. This is the question of the existing global military security governance mechanism.

This organization can be gradually transformed to the global military security forces, its name can be renamed as: the United Nations military security forces. Its roles can be gradually transitioned from peacekeeping to the prevention of regional conflicts. This force can be pre-deployed in potential areas where conflict occurs, which can greatly increase the response speed for corresponding to the crisis.

2.3.2.     Deployment and defense structure      Plane structure

24 fulcrums (including hot spots) can be selected globally, each fulcrum can be deployed 1200 people; such 1200 people can come from 3 to 4 countries. The practice can learn from the practice of the existing United Nations peacekeeping force. The maximum length of each garrison can be three years. All United Nations Member States should have the opportunity to provide military force to the United Nations military security force and to participate in the military deployment of 24 fulcrums in a rotation.

24 fulcrums shall make full use of existing military facility resources.      Branch structure of armed force

In 24 different fulcrums, mixed configuration of multiple branch of armed force shall be considered as much as possible. A single fulcrum can be consisted with a single branch of armed force, but it can also consisted with multiple branched of armed forces.      Spatial structure

The space structure mainly refers to that the United Nations military security force shall include the cooperation mechanism of navy, air force and outer space forces. Of course, Resources for space structure deployment can be mainly provided by the military power countries, here mainly including the United Nations Security Council member states.

2.3.3.      Military Funding

As global military security governance mainly is a conflict prevention and deterrence mechanism, military cooperation and military exercise mechanism, therefore, there is a certain role of campus, so its funding should be borne by all participating countries themselves, the fulcrum countries should try to provide fulcrum resources in a free style. This can also be addressed in the light of the existing practice of the United Nations.

2.3.4. Main work Patrol and intervention in potential conflict occurrence areas Participation in peacekeeping operations Military cooperation and exercises Relationship development in the resident country

3. Relationship with the United Nations Security Council and the Regional Security Council

The United Nations Security Council and the Regional Security Council are both international organizations to resolve disputes and deal with regional conflicts. And the United Nations military security force is fundamental conflict prevention and deterrence mechanism, the establishment of this mechanism will greatly reduce the occurrence of regional conflicts. Cooperation between them can be carried out through the United Nations Military Security Agency.

4. Relationship with the Resident Country

The relationship between the United Nations military security force and the fulcrum country is a cooperative relationship, but the United Nations military security force only accept orders from their superiors. In peaceful time, the United Nations military security forces should, as far as possible, participate in the construction and development of fulcrum countries in different ways, especially in emergency affairs, such as flood fighting and relief, and so on. The United Nations military security force can also participate in military education in the fulcrum countries in different ways.

5. Meaning

The significance of the improvement of the global military security governance mechanism lies in:

• Can turn the confrontation of large country military groups into cooperation
• Can turn the peacekeeping after regional conflicts into advance prevention
• Establish multi-dimensional global military cooperation system
• Establish multi-dimensional global military defense system
• Establish global military exchange and cooperation mechanism
• Establish global military education mechanism
• Can make the relationship between the United Nations and the member states to be more specific and closer

6. Conclusion

The concept of global military security governance
is a major contribution to the international security system, it is also an important content of Beizhan Global Governance Thought, renaming the United Nations peace-keeping force to the United Nations Military Security Force, establishing the United Nations Military Security Agency, achieving global military deployment, will help to straighten out the relationship, turn peacekeeping after regional conflicts to advance prevention, its significance is significant and multifaceted. The United Nations will also achieve more effective management of the world and to raise its authority of international governance.

1.   前言


2.   全球军事安全治理

2.1.      定义


2.2.      作用


2.3.      内容

2.3.1.                     组织结构联合国军事安全署


目前,涉及全球军事安全治理的最为著名的组织机构就是联合国维持和平部队[1]。联合国维持和平部队成立于19486月。从1948年以来, 共有130个国家为其提供过军力和警力,有超过100万士兵或警察在其旗帜下战斗过。这一组织对世界和平的贡献是令人瞩目的。但有一个问题,那就是联合国维和部队的部署一般是在地区性冲突发生之后进行的。这种机制对于地区性冲突的防范毫无意义。而地区性冲突发生之后的维和行动无疑是高成本,高风险和高代价的。这就是现有的全球军事安全治理机制的问题。


2.3.2.                     布防结构平面结构





2.3.3.                     军费来源


2.3.4.                     主要工作冲突发生潜在地区的巡防及干预维和行动的参与军事合作与演练发展与驻地国家的关系

3.   同安理会及区域性安全理事会的关系


4.   同所驻地国家的关系


5.   意义


·         可以使大国军事集团的对抗性转为合作性
·         可以使地区性冲突发生后的维和转为预先的防范
·         多位立体地建立全球范围内的军事合作体系
·         多位一体地建立全球范围内的军事防御体系
·         建立全球范围内的军事交流与合作机制
·         建立全球范围内的军事教育机制
·         可以使联合国与各成员国的关系更为具体,更为紧密

6.   结语


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