Sunday, January 1, 2017

Country Management – Political Election - Equitable Election and Fund-Raising Mechanism Together on Beizhan Election Financial System 国家管理 – 政治选举 – 公平选举与筹款机制 兼论备战选举财经体系

Country Management – Political Election - Equitable Election and Fund-Raising Mechanism

Together on Beizhan Election Finance System


国家管理 政治选举 公平选举与筹款机制


1.      Realistic Election Financial System

In my previous article <<Election Politics and Head-Hunting Politics>>
[1], I proposed Beizhan General Election System, which is an advocate to improve the existing election system from the perspective of human resource management mainly. So, what can be done to develop and perfect the election fund-raising mechanism and the election consumption mechanism in the real election process?
1.1. Election fund-raising mechanism

Election fund-raising mechanism in reality is to raise political contributions from corporations and individuals. In terms of political contributions, in addition to election political donations, there are also routine political contributions to parties.

1.2. Election consumption mechanism

The election consuming mechanism in reality is that every candidate is basically to be responsible for his/her own expenses; party activities expenses are also to be afforded by the party itself.

1.3. Problems existed in reality

Current election financial mechanism has following problems in the two aspects:

1). Fairness issue

In terms of political fund-raising, some candidates can get more political contributions, some can not, then in election consumption, naturally some candidates will have more opportunities to promote themselves, and some can not, this is obviously not fair, this is contrary to the complete democratic spirit.

On the other hand, it is the political responsibility and obligation of every voter to participate in and support democratic politics. However, in case of election contributions, some voters have political contributions and some do not. Some voters contribute more, and some voters contribute less, this is also obviously not fair.

2). Regulation violation issue

In the process of political donation, we often hear this kind or that kind illegal fundraising events; political contribution scandals, and so on. In other words, this process is very easy to go wrong.

3). Solidarity issue

Since the political contributions of different parties and candidates come from a variety of donors, in order to win the donors, it is natural that there will be two kind mutual struggling results. One is the struggle for the indecisive donors; one is the struggle of the party for the interests of the stable donors, this kind struggles ultimately will be manifested in the struggle of the industries.

4). Decent issue

In terms of contributions, no matter what kind reasons, it is the matter of reaching out or speaking out to others for money, regardless of the fundraiser's official position level, reputation, it will make people feel not very decent. In some large gatherings, only a slight contribution was received, it is really a loss of face.

2. Beizhan Election Finance System

To solve the above problems, it is necessary to improve the existing election financial system. Here, I would like to propose Beizhan election finance system. Beizhan election finance system is a completely fair, clean, decent, united election finance system. When this election finance system integrated with Beizhan general election system, it will achieve the best thrift result.

2.1. Beizhan general election system

With the application of pre-requirements for candidates, the number of candidates can be controlled. So the overall budget for the elections can be controlled.

2.2. Beizhan election finance system

Beizhan election finance system
mainly includes the following contents:

2.2.1. Political responsibility tax (Political obligation tax)

Political election is the responsibility and obligation of every voter. Every voter also enjoys the country's political management services in different levels, so every voter has the obligation to pay a slight contribution to the political election. Therefore, I advocate the establishment of political responsibility tax (or political obligation tax). The political responsibility tax can be levied every four years; the tax rate can be about 0.5%. The max value of political responsibility tax can not be over $1,250, etc. Details can be decided according to demand. So that the fairness of election fundraising can be achieved, and so on. For every voter, it is affordable. For example: for a voter with an annual income of $50,000, his/her every four year’s political contribution is about: $250.

2.2.2. Standard equitable election consumption distribution mechanism (uniform system)

When having sufficient funding for elections, how can we fairly use the election fund? I advocate standard equitable election consumption distribution, which is the so-called uniform system. The election resources and services for each candidate are the same, such as: advertisements, propaganda, speeches, mass activities, etc., just like each candidate gets a standardized uniform. Each candidate will also receive the same financial compensation after the election, which is what I mentioned paid election. To do so, you can avoid the drawbacks of financial reimbursement system.

2.2.3. Election consumption management system

In specific operation, the political responsibility tax, of course, shall be managed by the revenue agency. Election consumption can be managed by the Constituency Administration Center under the leadership of the Election Bureau.

3. Significance
The advantages of Beizhan election finance system lie in multiple aspects, such as:

3.1. Fairness

The election resources acquired by each candidate are completely equal. Voters contribute same proportion of political contributions (political responsibility tax) according to their incomes, this is also reasonable.
Relatively wealthy voters shall also take a little bit more political obligations and responsibilities.
3.2. Integrity

Beizhan election finance system can minimize and eliminate the political contribution scandals to the max degree.

3.3. Intensiveness

Enterprises will never have the burden of political contributions; political frictions among industries will be removed, individual voter’s financial burden is not large either.

3.4. Standardization

The uniform system management implemented by the Constituency Administration Center under the leadership of Election Bureau, can have unified arrangements and achieve standardized business-like operation.
3.5. Intensiveness

The centralized procurement of election resources and services can be achieved, so as to achieve the intensiveness of election.

3.6. Decency

Candidates and parties can completely eliminate or reduce disgraceful political contribution activities. Election activities will also be more formal and decent.

3.7. Participation

As each candidate will acquire equal election resources and services, the voters’ participation rate will be extended greatly.  Since voters will not worry about to be requested for donations when participating political activities, voter’s willingness and behaviors to participate political activities will also be greatly increased.

3.8 Extensiveness

As the election resources and services are uniformly planned and uniformly distributed, and election expenses are quite sufficient, the contacts between candidates and voters will be more extensive.

3.9. Solidarity

The establishment of Beizhan election finance system, makes the struggles among different parties and candidates caused by political contributions to be disappeared. Thus the solidarity of party and country will be enhanced. The battles among industries will also come to an end.

3.10. Economic Benefits

The accumulation of every four year political responsibility taxes after political consumption, can be operated in the form of a fund, it may eventually become a huge amount of national fund (billions or several 10 billions), and earn further profits for the country. Adequate election fund will also further promote the media economy.

1.   现实的选举财经体系

在我以前的文章《选举政治与猎头政治》[1] 一文中,我提出了备战普选体制,这主要是从人力资源管理的角度来完善现有的选举体制的一种主张。那么,在现实的选举过程中,在选举筹款机制和选举消费机制方面,又有什么可以发展和完善的呢?

1.1.                  选举筹款机制


1.2.                  选举消费机制


1.3.                  现实存在的问题



就政治筹款而言,有的参选人能够获得较多的政治捐款,有的却不能够,那么在选举消费上,自然就会有的参选人有较多的机会宣传自己,有的却不能够,这显然是不公平的, 有悖于完全的民主精神的。

从另外一个方面讲,参与和支持民主政治,是每一个选民的政治责任和义务,但就选举捐款而言,有的选民有政治捐款,有的却没有。有的选民捐得多, 有的选民捐得少,这显然也是不公平的。


在政治捐款过程中,我们总是时常听到这样或那样的违规筹款事件,政治献金丑闻, 等等。也就是说, 这一过程是很容易出问题的。





2.   备战选举财经体系


2.1.                  备战普选体制


2.2.                  备战选举财经体系


2.2.1.                     政治责任税(政治义务税)


2.2.2.                     选举消费标准化公平分配机制(制服体制)

在有了充足的选举经费之后,如何公平地使用选举经费呢?我主张选举消费标准化公平分配机制,也就是所谓的制服体制。每个参选人所能够获得的选举资源和服务都是相同的, 例如:广告,宣传,演讲,群众活动,等等,就像每个参选人都获得一个标准化的制服一样。每个参选人在选举结束后也都给与相同的经济补偿,这也就是我所讲的有酬劳的选举。这样做,就可以避免财务报销制的弊端。

2.2.3.                     选举消费管理体制


3.   意义


3.1.                  公平性


3.2.                  廉洁性


3.3.                  节约性


3.4.                  标准化


3.5.                  集约性


3.6.                  体面性


3.7.                  参与度


3.8.                  广泛性


3.9.                  团结性


3.10.              经济利益


[1]. Beizhan Liu (2016) <<Election Politics and Head-Hunting Politics>> in <<Policy Framework>> (pp. 143-162)

  -- Beizhan Liu

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